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A TEENAGER has lifted a lid off her mother’s love affair with another man in a case his father is seeking compensation for adultery.James Kangwa, 18, of Kabanana Township, exposed recorded phone conversations in court between his mother, Annety Banda, 35, and her lover, Alick Tembo, 43.James, a Grade 12 pupil, told the court that […]

Zambians from across the country have condemned the unruly behavior of PF cadres who on Sunday savagely beat up UPND 2021 Chilanga constituency aspiring candidate Chamine Musonda. Ms. Musonda together with two others was assaulted at her home by PF cadres for no apparent reasons. The latter is nursing serious injuries. And opposition National Democratic […]

The water levels in the lower Kafue gorge dam are steadily rising. Zesco spokesperson Henry Kapata says the water level is now at elevation (EL) 55.  This means that ZESCO limited is 11 meters away from overflowing at the spillway. The gate for the ecological flow is open and the ecological flow is at elevation […]

The Zambia Police Service has given the opposition United Party for National Development UPND permission to go ahead with its planned grand rally in Lusaka. This will be the first time after the 2016 General elections that the UPND will be holding a rally in Lusaka. UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma says the grand rally will […]

Zambia has raised international Headlines after Bond holders refused on Friday to defer the country’s debt service payments for six months. This development risks seeing the country being classified as a junk economy the first in Africa after COVID 19 if the Zambia fails to honor its obligations. On 14th October, 2020 Zambia missed paying […]

The registration of voters in Kitwe to be done on a 24 hour basis.The registration of voters in Kitwe district will now be done on a 24 hour basis effective tomorrow.Kitwe Town Clerk Seke Mbulo has confirmed the development to Mafken FM Radio.Mr. Mbulo has explained that more registration officers have been recruited to operate […]

Government awards One Million Dollars contract to a Lusaka car wash to supply vehicles to the Judiciary.The Zambian Government has awarded a little known Car Wash business based in Kabwata in Lusaka a 1 million United States dollars contract to deliver 46 brand new 4×4 vehicles to the Judiciary.Burma Car Wash which also was trading […]

Zambia is on the brink of defaulting on its foreign debt after it missed a payment of more than $40m (£30.5m) last month. A so-called grace period will expire on Friday, making it Africa’s first country to default on its sovereign debt since the coronavirus pandemic. Zambia was already struggling to service its $12bn external […]

Zambia will on the 27th of November,2020 join the rest of the world in promotional sales during the “Black Friday” event. This is an activity that offers huge price discounts to consumers ranging from 25 percent  to as high as 75 percent. And the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission CCPC is encouraging all consumers participating […]

This has created a security problem in the city as the said street kids are now harassing residents. An organization looking at the plight of youths in Kitwe has raised alarm on the problem and is urging the Government to clean up the streets of Kitwe adding that if left unchecked, the problem is likely […]

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