Society Business Park Deemed Unsafe, NAPSA Announces Potential Demolition

Written by on 28 August 2024

The Society Business Park, located along Cairo Road in Lusaka, has been declared unsafe for occupancy.
The National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) has announced the immediate closure of the building and indicated that it may face demolition after further consultations.

NAPSA Board Chairperson Shipango Muteto revealed during a media briefing in Lusaka that the closure is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of tenants and the general public.

This decision follows a recent assessment report from a consultant engaged by NAPSA to evaluate the building’s structural integrity.

Mr. Muteto emphasized that the priority is to protect those who have been using the building while they consider the next steps, which may include demolishing the structure if deemed necessary.
Tenants and users of the building have been advised to vacate the premises immediately.

By Anthony Chomba

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