Confusion Persists In UKA As Saboi Weighs In On Expelled UKA Members

Written by on 19 September 2024

By Comfort Nthala 

National Democratic Congress (NDC) president Saboi Imboela has accused three opposition leaders—Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) leader Sean Tembo, Green Party leader Peter Sinkamba, and Christian Democratic Party president Danny Pule—of engaging in what she describes as childish politics within the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA).

Speaking in an interview with Mafken News Ms Imboela who serves on the UKA Council of Presidents, said the trio brought the same type of political behaviour seen in the Patriotic Front and UPND, which she says involves accusing others of being sponsored by the ruling party rather than addressing real issues.

She stated that their involvement lowered the quality of discourse within the alliance, turning discussions into petty squabbles. 

Ms. Imboela denied claims that some UKA members are being sponsored by the ruling UPND, stressing the need for unity and productive engagement in the alliance.

Meanwhile, Green Party leader Peter Sinkamba claims that there is division within UKA, particularly between those who support the idea of former President Edgar Lungu standing as the alliance’s presidential candidate in the 2026 elections, and those who oppose it.

Mr Sinkamba has clarified that he is not a formal member of the alliance but noted that if he were, he would support Mr Lungu’s candidacy for the 2026 elections.

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