US Emphasizes Importance of PREP Continuation to Combat HIV/AIDS in Zambia

Written by on 17 September 2024

By Anthony Chomba 

The United States says PREP continuation is key to helping people reduce the risks getting infected with HIV/AIDS.

US Charge D’Affairs Linnisa Wahid says doing so will greatly help adverse clients from contracting the disease.

Ms Wahid was speaking in Lusaka during the HIV quarterly stakeholders meeting.

She further disclosed that over one point four million HIV tests in Zambia have been supported under the PEPFAR program bringing the total testing number to over 3.8 million.

And speaking at the same function, Health minister Elijah Muchima thanked the US governments’ support towards HIV programs in Zambia under the United States Presidents Emergency Plan for Aids Relief ( PEPFAR)

Mr. Muchima disclosed that with such interventions, life expectance in Zambia has increased from 43 years in the year 1998 to 64 in 2023.

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