UPND Cautions Ndola City Council To Work In Sync With The Ruling Party

Written by on 11 September 2024

By Comfort Nthala 

The United Party for National Development (UPND) in Ndola has cautioned the Ndola City Council, urging them to be mindful of government and the ruling party when making decisions.

UPND Ndola District Spokesperson David Zimba tells Mafken News that the council has been acting independently, accusing them of forcefully removing vendors from the streets and seizing their merchandise without proper accountability.

Mr Zimba claims that the council cannot account for the seized goods and that decisions are being made without informing key stakeholders.

He also alleged that political interference was at play, warning that if any political figures were driving these decisions, the UPND would push for the dismissal of specific individuals, accusing the council’s actions of sabotaging government.

Meanwhile, Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota has however defended the council’s actions, explaining that vendors are given warnings before their goods are confiscated. 

Ms Mushota explains that when street vendors are found violating regulations, their merchandise is destroyed to ensure compliance.

She explains that it is not feasible to ask vendors to leave the streets and then return their goods further emphasizing that there is adequate space in markets and that vendors who feel unfairly treated can petition the council officers.

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