35 Year Old Kitwe Woman Dies Following Beating From Her Husband

Written by on 5 September 2024

By Comfort Nthala

A 35-year-old woman of Mpatamato Township in Luanshya District on the Copperbelt Province, identified as Lunar Kalaba, has died after allegedly being beaten by her 45-year-old husband, Mwika Chilaisha, following an altercation at the couples bar known as Paka Dry.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba tells Mafken News that the incident occurred between 01:00 and 02:00 hours on September 4th, 2024 in which Chilaisha the suspect was managing the bar in the absence of their barman, who had gone to collect money from a customer Nathan Simukoko.

Police Commander

The deceased reportedly visited the bar that evening to ask her husband Chilaisha for a K5, but left without receiving it. She later returned with Simukoko the customer and the barman who resumed his duties.

Mr. Mweemba explains that Chilaisha left for home while his wife and the customer remained at the bar prompting him to become suspicious after his wife took long to return.

He then followed her to the bar, where he overheard voices in the restroom and reportedly found Simukoko the customer partially dressed with his wife inside.

The Commanding officer further reveals that in a fit of rage, Chilaisha attacked both his wife and the customer Simukoko, who managed to flee. Kalaba the wife was however severely beaten until she lost consciousness. She was rushed to Section 25 Clinic by the said husband and barman but was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The husband who is the suspect has been arrested and remains in police custody as investigations continue. The body of the deceased has been taken to Roan Antelope Hospital Mortuary for a post-mortem.

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